Monday, October 22, 2012

Rediscovering the Missing Blog

For some strange reason I have rediscovered my Blog! I started it a couple of years ago just mucking about to see if I could master the process of actually starting one, which I did and lo and behold I was looking at other blogs and somehow mine came up on the screen - it was as if it was giving me a nudge and saying "come on I've been here waiting and you never got back to me". My first post was pretty  average and so is this one most likely.  
I have just finished a fabulous E- course by Kelly RaeRoberts it was full of excellent info that is so helpful for setting up an E Business. 
This I have yet to do as I am still a fledgling and have to master Blog world first, not to  mention the most important thing is to have some actual products to sell!!  My paintings are usually on  large canvases but I have started painting smaller ones that I think would be easier to make prints from so I can hopefully sell. 
I am having a couple of weeks holiday from my dreaded day job and enjoying time in my art room - I even cleared a space on my table to actually work on as most of the space is taken up with materials, a good Spring clean never goes astray.  
The rest of the room  is a bit of a nightmare though but at least I know (most of the time) where things are. Tomorrow is another day.