Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Too Early

This is my first blog ever!! I have been up since 3.15am as I get my husband off to work (he would wake me up anyway) then I usually go back to bed where most normal people would go. Alas, today I was browsing the net and thought I would create my own blog - a terrible word I think. The sun is coming up and the birds are starting to make their early morning chatter, my cats want to go out and no doubt climb the trees - this isn't allowed until at least another 2 hours because some poor little feathered friend will end up cat's breakfast.

The weather here is so hot and makes sleeping very uncomfortable - it also brings out the mozzies and other insects that make their appearance at night, especially huge garden spiders - the thought of them taking a stroll across my face during the night is a scary one. I won't kill them as they are part of nature and play a part in it, I have to get them outdoors somehow, like the other night I found one in the shower so I covered him with a mesh food cover - (they are so handy to have) after a lot of chasing him around and me doing the odd hopping and jumping about to avoid him (or her) I finally captured him and put him in my back garden where I hope he decides to stay forever, surely it is much nicer outside.

Why do they like my bathroom so much??